We combine the personal experience from social media, with the rich and structured content from reviewing platform to create the first sharing platform in the world
As I child I always remember gravitating towards people who shared their expertise, wisdom, and life experiences to most. I always believed than the strength of any relationship (friends, family, love, work...) lies within the knowledge we share with each other.
With WOM this life-long vision is turning into a reality by facilitating the sharing of knowledge and experiences between friends. Instead of one on one conversations, our goal is to make easy, enjoyable, educative and rewarding to share the experiences we love with our friends so they can all benefit from your recommendations. After all, sharing is caring.
Have you ever asked a stranger for recommendations in real life? So why should do it online? This unnatural behavior is the root cause of the poor experience on reviewing platform.
Trust should be the core focus of reviewing platforms. But most reviews are fake and they come from the least trustworthy people: strangers. So how can you trust someone you have never met?
No one likes sharing their story and receive no feedback from their audience. Because of the lack of relationship between users, writing a review feels like you are talking to yourself. Great way to reward you for taking your time to share your thoughts right?
Reviewing platforms focus on one field, which means that for every inquiry, you have to explore the vast number of similarly unreliable reviewing platform.
How come we never share reviews on what we actually are interested in. Reviews are to often associated to consumable goods and services. We tend to forget they could be about experiences and passions.
The result of this impersonal and counter-intuitive experience is that reviews are used as the confirmation of the purchase of a specific product. This is quite a shallow usage of one of the strongest marketing tool in the world.
The essence of WOM is to bring everyday interactions with friends to the digital world. Our goal is to make your experience on WOM similar to sharing recommendations with our friends in real life.
To provide you with the most tailored and personal posts, WOM focuses on the most trusted form of recommendations in the world. By selecting your own network, you are in full control of your platform
How do you feel when your friend liked your recommednation? Feels good right? On WOM you get the same feeling but 10 times stronger. On WOM can interact with your friends many ways, but all for the same purpose, to strengthen relationships.
With WOM no need to find navigate through the large number of reviewing platform, you have one place where you can find and share everything with the people you know and trust.
WOM expands the scope of reviews. You get to share what you really matters to you: music, movies, sports, health, science, the list is endless. WOM acts a library where you can store all your favourite moments.
By creating the best experience for our users, we want to empower recommendations. For us, they act as the perfect mean to learn something new, and to discover the world with our friends.
CEO & Founder
Bachelor at the Hospitality management school of Lausanne
Background in computer science and motivated by the project.